Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Purpose of Dating (it's not marriage)

I've been putting off writing this article because quite honestly, I never wanted to believe it was true. I never wanted to believe that there actually could be another goal of a dating relationship or courtship rather than marriage.

After recently calling off a relationship with the man I truly believed that God wanted me to marry, I had to think deeper about what the purpose of this relationship had been.

I've been taught that the ultimate goal in a relationship is marriage. Don't misunderstand me I believe it is completely true, but I think we need to look a little deeper than that. Not all God centered relationships end in marriage. So that's where the question begins to be raised,

what's the purpose?

I'm convinced that beyond marriage as being the purpose of dating, it's learning how to love someone the same way that Christ loves us. In this previous relationship, it was not always easy to love him, it was not always easy to serve him, it was not always easy to submit to him. But, I learned how to love someone no matter how difficult it was at times.

Please understand me, I'm not saying that because I believe learning to love is one of the purposes of dating does not mean that dating becomes a way for you to learn how to love someone. Before we even started dating, we had the vision of marriage. Even though God decided it was not his plan for us to be together, I truly believe that I learned how to love and care for someone unconditionally.

So even if God decides to close a door on a relationship, it does not mean that you are a failure, or that your relationship is a failure (it's a lie from the enemy, don't believe it), but thinks about how your learned to love, cherish and serve another brother in Christ.

Sister in Christ,


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

How Pageants Changed My Life

"Wait, so were you like one of those Toddlers and Tiaras type of girls?"
"What was your talent?"
"Did you win any titles?"
"How much money did you spend on that?"
"You have how many dress?!"

I've heard them all and every single one leaves me questioning why I even bother to bring up to topic sometimes. But honestly, I wouldn't be there person that I am today without competing in pageants.

To be completely honest, I would have asked the same questions too five years ago before I started competing. Until I got the letter in the mail one day asking if I would want to compete.

I've always been the quiet one in the family. Always. I never liked to be the center of attention, would get good grades in school and try to stay under the radar as much as possible. So for my family, the thought that I was the one who was asked to compete in the pageant seemed completely wrong.

But my parents thought it would be a way to get me out of my shell, to push me outside my comfort zone. So, we signed up. Six months later I competed and it was after the first one that I competed in that I caught the bug. It's the pageant bug, the feeling of needing to compete and be on the stage. I researched, practiced walking, talking, interview questions, looked mindlessly for the "perfect gown."   The next one came, then the next one, and the one after that. I loved it. I loved being on stage, I loved talking in front of people, I loved meeting different girls who had the same goals as I did. I would not want to trade the three years of my life that I devoted to pageants.

I'm confident in myself,
I'm not afraid to voice my opinion,
to stand up for what I believe in,
the relationship between my mom and I grew immensely,
I'm passionate about giving back to my community,
I know how to think on my feet,
I know what it takes to work hard for what you want,
and above everything else,
I was continued to be shaped into the person that God has designed me to be.

Now to answer the questions above, no it's nothing like Toddlers and Tiaras, I did not have a talent, yes I won titles with various organizations, yes its expensive, and I probably own more dresses than I really need, but I wouldn't change any of the experiences for anything.

Sister in Christ,

Friday, November 21, 2014

The ONE WORD Project

I'm extremely excited to announce the beginning of a new project title: The ONE WORD Project.

The project will consist of series of videos with stories of how God has been at work in a person's life and it's summarized in one word.

One of the reason's why God has placed this on my heart is because I know how scared some people get to share their story, but the best part is, it's not our story. It's God's story of a life changed through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Will you have the courage to share God's story in your life?

If so, share your word and your story today.

To get involved with this project, comment below.


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Depending and Waiting on God

It's hard. Extremely, extremely hard to depend and wait on God. I didn't think it was going to be this difficult. 

The lesson I taught today was on Abram and Sarai, how they didn't depend on God and weren't patient with the plans the He had for them (Gen 16). They took matters into their own hands and decided not to wait on Gods timing. Sarai's idea for Abram to take Hagar as his wife and conceive a child with her made sense in order to fulfill Gods promise (Gen 15).  But it's not what God's plan was. Abram and Hagar's son, Ishmael, would not recieve the special blessing that God promised Abram's decendents. A consequence for Abram not trusting in God's sovereign plan. 

That's where I'm at. I'm looking back on these last few months and realizing that I wasn't waiting on Gods plan for my life, I did things my way and now I'm suffering the consequences of it. And let me tell you, it's not easy. 

But the good thing is, that's not the end of the story, for Abram or me. 

We see in Gen 17 and then in 18 also that God promises to give a child to Abraham and Sarah (yes God did change their names) a son. They were disobedient, deceitful, and they were old in age, but God still blessed them. Despite all the wrong they had done, God still used them. 

Same thing for me. 

I've disobeyed God, I've been inpatient, I've lied, been deceitful, but God still wants to use me. Why? I don't know if I'll even understand. But I'm trusting that God's ways and higher, bigger and better than anything I could imagine. 

Psalm 46:10- Cease striving, and know that I am God. 

Sister in Christ, 
