Living Proof
Thursday, October 11th, 2012
Personally, when I hear someone
start to talk about the 10 Commandments, all I can think of is a list of rules
that all Christians are supposed to follow. Until now, I have not thought of
them as anything more. Needless to say, my viewpoint on what Moses was telling the
Israelites while on Mount Siani has completely changed.
Now, Moses was on Mountain Siani
speaking to the Israelites when he was giving these commandments. At this time,
most of the Israelites knew they should’ve murder, steal, commit adultery,
worship other gods, or to honor your father and mother, but they were on the
journey to the Promise Land. The reason why God had called Moses to proclaim
the commandments to the Israelites was to equip them for what God wanted for
their lives, because where they were headed, was not fulfilling these
commandments. They would be noticed by living their lives set apart from what
the world had been living. These commandments were set in place by God not as a
list of do’s and don’ts, but God gave us instructions to protect the Israelites
and us and to make our lives better.
How does this look today? LIVE IT
OUT. God had these instructions set so the Israelites would be noticed as
someone different, they would be questioned why they are living in such a
different way. Shouldn’t we be doing the same? In James, he exclaims what it is
like to be set apart. “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and
faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to
keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (1:27). This is what God wanted
for the Israelites, to have them be set apart from what the world wanted them
to conform to. Is there a difference in your life that people can see?
This brings me to my past point, my
friend Macy put this into perspective. If there was a gunman that walked into
your school or work place and asked a random person where all the Christians in
the building were, would they say your name? If we’re living out what God has
called us to do we should be one to the names that the gunman would hear.
People need to notice the change that we’ve gone through and want to know more
about Christ through the way we live our lives.
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