Thursday, October 18, 2012

October 18, 2012

Living Proof
Thursday, October 18th, 2012
This past weekend I was blessed to have the opportunity to goon our church’s Junior High Retreat, one weekend up in what I call the middleof nowhere with other churches apart of the Christian Missionary Alliance.  Man, what a crazy weekend that was. Thespeaker was Pete Brokoff, a missionary from Burkina Faso, Africa, what acompletely interesting journey God has brought him on. He spoke about prayer,and the importance of it. Not only that but the urgency to tell our friendsabout Christ. He told us a story about how one of his business partners when hewas growing us was a Muslim. Pete didn’t want to push the Gospel down this man’sthroat but he had a plan, he planned on being super nice and then eventuallyhis friend would have to ask him why he was so nice and he would tell himbecause of Jesus Christ. Sounded like a good plan right? Pete waited fouryears, nothing. Eventually, Pete left to go Seminary, to learn how to share theGospel to Muslims, and Pete said “Goodbye” to his friend and told him that heloved him. His friend stepped back and said, “if you believe that if I do notaccept Christ into my life I will go to Hell and you tell me you love me, whydidn’t you ever share to me about this, if you really loved me, wouldn’t younot want me to go to Hell?” Whoa. Did you catch that? This man asked Pete whyhe didn’t tell him the Gospel if he loved him. Think for a minute, people inyour life that you love. Do you want any of them to be living ETERNITY in Hell?Of course not! If they don’t accept the love and grace that is found in JesusChrist, that is what will happen! You can change that. Be the person in theirlife that saves them from an eternity of pain. Romans 10: 14-15 explains, “How,then can they call on the one they have no believed in? And how can theybelieve in the one whom they have not heard? And how can they hear withoutsomeone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As itis written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’” Nothingwill change in someone’s life unless you tell them about Christ! Words must bespoken! Are you willing to take the step and save the loved one’s in your lifefrom a eternity of suffering?  


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