Sunday, January 5, 2014

Do You Trust Me?

Four simple words,
Do You Trust ME? 
Four simple words,
But some of the four hardest words to actually believe.

Life isn't always easy, and for the past few weeks it's definitely been nothing but easy. But the words, Do you trust me? keeps flowing through my head.

This Sunday during our kids programming, we talked about when Jesus calls the first four of the disciples.

For me this story is just mind boggling. Here are four professional fishermen who clean their nets after a day of not catching anything and find Jesus preaching on the seashore. Jesus gets into Simon-Peter's boat and tells him to take the boat out a little from the shore. Jesus then tells Simon-Peter to move the boat the deeper water (also mind boggling because the prime fishing spot was near the shore) and let your nets down. I love Simon's answer though, "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets"  (Luke 5:5 NIV). First came his doubt, but then he trusted. Then because of his faith, he catches literally a boat ton of fish. After seeing this Jesus says,

"Don't be afraid; from now on you will fish for people" (Luke 5:10). 

And they followed.

Just like that. Simon-Peter, Andrew, James and John, the first four disciples drop everything to follow Jesus. They lose the security of a paying job, the comfort of a place to stay each night, the love of their families all behind.

So why is it so often we don't want to give it all over to God? What aren't we trusting God with?

Do we trust the Creator of the world, the perfect Son of God, and the one who is sovereign over all enough to leave everything behind and follow Him?

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