Monday, January 20, 2014

The Little Things

It's when we appreciate God in the little things, that we see Him at work in the big.

A few weeks ago our children's programming was talking about how Jesus's first miracle was turning water into wine. Basically the one that all kids know. Of course the kids we're completely astonished as they may have been the first time they heard the greatness of our God, but what really got them excited were the stories of the modern day miracles. One like how God was able to heal a pastor who had over 900 pounds of equipment land on his neck, or how a hungry orphan asks for steak after hearing the orphanage was out of food and then amazingly received some of the best steak. That's the God we serve!

After that Sunday morning service I was awaken by the greatness of our God.

It's trust in Him that allows these incredible things to happen. If I trust and know for certain that my God is able to turn water into wine, make the blind see, calm storms, and raise people from the dead. Then shouldn't I trust that he is able to that he can bring me through a hard test or a night of babysitting with tyrant children? We don't sometimes.

I challenge you to look through the gospels and see the miracles Jesus was able to perform and think about the little things in your life where you don't believe God could be at work. Have the reading change your perspective on how indescribable and big our God is.

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