Saturday, September 22, 2012

September 17, 2012

Living Proof
Monday, September 17th, 2012
I had a friend ask me today, “Whatwas one thing that God has reveled to me within the past month?” Man, just onething? That question really got me thinking about what he really has been doingin my life. After coming off one of the best summers He has ever blessed mewith, it was truly a difficult task to pick one thing. Finally, I answer backwith God opening my eyes that I must serve Him and to not be ashamed of whathe’s done for us and telling others about what He’s doing in my life.

            Starting offmy junior year of high school I knew that my lifestyle was going to bedifferent. I knew that God has worked so much in my life throughout the pastthree months and I was ready to put all my training this summer and walk intothe battlefield of high school. Its only week three of this important year andGod is working wonders.

            A few weeksago I had a friend ask me if I was going to be a leader for the junior highstudents within the church. Little did she know, working with junior highstudents has always been a dream of mine and where I see my spiritual giftsshine. She brought me to the youth pastor in charge and I was given theposition on the spot. God was so faithful! I couldn’t praise him enough. TodayI received an email from the pastor; it was a list of all the girls that wouldbe in my small group, along with the two adult women leaders that I would beworking with throughout this year. I couldn’t be more excited and blessed aboutthis group and I know that God will do wonders through this group. Wow. God isso good.

            Of course asbeing a high school girl, there’s a boy.  I decided to tell one ofmy friends about him. She flipped. She happened to be really good friends with him and was already planning a time when her, him, my friends boyfriend and I could all get together. I was so not ready for that. The next night I texted her and asked she not plan anything, I simply told her that God is in charge of my love story, not her or me. God has a plan for my life, and I need to trust in that and know that at the correct time he will place that special someone in my life. Needless to say, my focus is on God this year and not on boys.

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