Living Proof
Sunday, September 23rd, 2012
For my church I every week with first graders, and let metell you, it’s not easy with a group of twenty of them at eight o’clock in themorning, but I know that God is at work within those kids. It was so cool todaythough, during “Discover Time” (a time when kids have an upbeat and funactivity as an icebreaker into the lesson of the week) which is what I run, Iasked the kids to create a poster of something that they have learned on Sunday’sin the past weeks and I was so amazed at what they actually knew. Theyremembered what they had talked about and even the specifics on the differentplagues that were sent in the Old Testament. I remember starting at my churchin first grade and not even knowing a thing about the bible, and the kids thatI have a part in teaching know about the plagues, how the Israelites complainedabout not having water and how Moses separated the Red Sea. It’s truly ablessing having these kids open to learn so much. For our lesson today, we werein Exodus 17. This chapter is all about trust, trusting in God to provide,always. Proverbs 3:5-6 is a verse the first graders probably have instilledinto their brains. It tells us to, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, andlean not on our own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him, and hewill make your path straight.” God knows so much more than we do, we have totrust in the fact that he knows what he is doing.
Just today,I found myself trusting God for a big thing in my eyes. Since I’ve starteddriving, I’ve had to come up with ways to save gas in any way I can. I drove tochurch today with less than an eighth of a tank of gas and was freaked out thatI would be that person on the side of the road without gas. Once I got home safely,I knew that the next thing I would have to do would be to visit the gasstation. But my sister needed a ride to her soccer game, I freaked. Even thoughthe soccer fields are less than five miles from my house doubt started settingin, so instead of taking the highway we took the back roads, little did I know,it would end up being a God thing that we did, my sister forgot her cleats athome and we had to drive back. We decided to take the highway over and I waspraying the whole time that we would make it safely to the fields and withoutthe car dying on the side of the highway. I made it there, and back. I had totrust that God would provide for me. He did. And even if I was stuck on theside of the road without gas, I know that God would still provide a way for me.Trust in God always, he knows what he’s doing.
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