Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September 26, 2012

Living Proof
Wednesday, September 26th, 2012
             Thissummer I was a part of an amazing team that endured ten days at a leadershipdevelopment camp through my favorite place on earth, Lake Lundgren Bible Camp.During those ten days there our team worked through a book called, “ImprovingYour Serve” by Charles R. Swindoll. While reading this book it was neveranswered to why we have to serve. Of course it was to ultimately serve God butwhy? Two months later, I finally received the answer. At youth group tonight Iwas blessed to have a one-on-one with our new assistant leader, Andrea. It wastruly a blessing from God to have had this time with her. From hearing herstory, it seems like we’ve been through pretty much the same things. I couldeasily relate. One question was, “What is Christ to you?” She replied herSavior. My answer to this question that had been swirling in my head wasanswered when she replied with, “Jesus has done so much for me, he saved my life,the least I could do for him, was to give him everything that I am and servehim.”It wasn’t because of it was the right thing to do or because it’s in thebible, it’s deeper than that. It was that simple. Look at what Jesus did forus. Yes he died for us, but the pain he endured before the cross is unbearablefor us today. He took himself to the cross, when he didn’t even deserve it anddied so that one day we can be reconnected with him for eternity. So why shouldwe serve God, He has done the unimaginable for us, He deserves it.   

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